From the blog

Progress Report May

In May, we improved the website front page, added Collabora for editing documents and added Prometheus & grafana for monitoring. In June we will be at RightsCon, presenting OAS on Wednesday morning. Collabora document editing We decided to set up Collabora for editing the documents you save in your Nextcloud. We had to make a…

Progress Report April

Internet Freedom Festival OpenAppStack was represented at the Internet Freedom Festival. We have spoken to a lot of people about the applications we should and/or should not include. In contrast to Infracon, most of the conversations were focused around user experience instead of technical aspects. On Thursday, we presented OpenAppStack at the Tools showcase. Automatic…

Progress Report March

Last month was the first time we let other people set up OpenAppStack during our presentation at Infracon. Continue reading Progress Report March

Setting Up A Simple Kubernetes Cluster With Openappstack

name: intro layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # OpenAppStack Setting up a simple Kubernetes cluster with OpenAppStack .footnote[Project site: [](] --- layout: false # What is OpenAppStack Cloud application suite - Open source - Self-updating - Easy to install - Integrated .footnote[Project by Greenhost and] ??? - Open source: you know what…

Progress Report February

This February we have improved our local storage provisioner and worked on our bootstrap script.Continue reading Progress Report February

Comparison Of Free And Open Source Single Sign On Solutions

Update 2022-01-31: We have updated this post to include feedback that was emailed to us. This post should serve only for people who would like to understand the decision we made in 2019, not as a guide to people who want to make this decision now. A login process is considered annoying by users and…

Progress Report January

In January we focused on two main points: CI and storage. In short we have setup a basic CI pipeline that automatically deploys OpenAppStack to a new server and we have made a local storage driver with automatic provisioning.Continue reading Progress Report January

Progress Report December

December has seen many holidays and deadlines of other projects. Apart from that, we have been focusing most of our OpenAppStack work on “the storage problem”.Continue reading Progress Report December

Progress Report November

We have continued automating Kubernetes cluster setups, worked on making a Kubernetes-based alternative to some applications we use internally and almost 20 people have filled in our survey!Continue reading Progress Report November

Progress Report October

It has been an eventful month for OpenAppStack. We have put more work in our Proof of Concept clusters, installing and integrating applications and automatically setting them up.Continue reading Progress Report October

Progress Report September

This month, we worked towards a proof of concept OpenAppStack cluster with some applications deployed to them and integrated with a Single Sign-On (SSO) server and a web proxy.Continue reading Progress Report September

Progress Report August

This is a report on the activities done for the OpenAppStack project in August.Continue reading Progress Report August

Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes

The OpenAppStack project involves the installation, configuration and management of containerised applications and services, on a cluster of connected virtual private servers. Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are two major tools that help to automate those tasks. For OpenAppStack we wanted to use one of these platforms; this article explains how we made our choice. Starting…

Progress Report July

Report on the research done in July 2018 Research The first week of July was dedicated to designing the structure of OpenAppStack. More specifically, we focused on how applications can be built, configured and delivered to people’s own OpenAppStack instance automatically and withouth breaking running systems. We quickly arrived at the conclusion that by using…

Progress Report June

This is the first monthly report for the OpenAppStack project managed by Greenhost and Introduction OpenAppStack will be a suite of provisioning tooling to allow for automated deployment and management of OSS groupware tools, secure communication, circumvention and other offerings from the Internet Freedom community. OpenAppStack will offer self-managed click-and-play auto-updated provisioning of necessary…