We’re pleased to announce a new release of Openappstack (0.6.0)!

After a 3 month stop of development we continued development starting in March. Next to fixing bugs, improving the installation process and CI pipeline stability our main focus was the migration from flux 1 to flux 2. It was a lot of work but we’re very happy with the new flux 2 GitOps toolkit for automated app updates! See our updated documentation for the new installation workflow. We also migrated our acceptance tests framework from behave to taiko which makes writing tests much easier and because behave-webdriver was discontinued. You should try taiko, it’s awesome!

For more details please refer to our CHANGELOG or see the issue board of the 0.6.0 milestone.

We now habe a stable foundation which we can now build upon and start adding more apps. This is an important part of the Prototype fund deliverables for Openappstack.