Internet Freedom Festival

OpenAppStack was represented at the Internet Freedom Festival. We have spoken to a lot of people about the applications we should and/or should not include. In contrast to Infracon, most of the conversations were focused around user experience instead of technical aspects. On Thursday, we presented OpenAppStack at the Tools showcase.

Automatic Nextcloud

Nextcloud is essential to our goal of being able to replace applications like Google Docs and Google Drive. For that reason, we have implemented a method to deploy Nextcloud, together with Collabora and have them automatically talk to each other. We used existing ways to set up Nextcloud and Collabora and added a “Job” that configures them to work together. The work can be found here:

Small improvements

Apart from that, we have worked on improving the basis of OpenAppStack. During Infracon we identified that we would rather use Nginx and cert-manager than Traefik, so we implemented that change. Apart from that we switched from Ubuntu to Debian as the underlying operating system. Lastly we have worked a lot on stabilising our Continuous Integration pipeline, which should make our work easier in the future and is essential for offering automatic upgrades.